A detailed growth plan can provide clarity and a path to profitability. - Aurelius

A detailed growth plan can provide clarity and a path to profitability.


A detailed growth plan provides clarity and a path to profitability.

Electrical Services Provider

A Sydney based electrical services business that started in FY19 was growing rapidly (with year-on-year growth of 216% and 130%), unfortunately even with this significant growth they were not able to get their business to trade profitably. Their personal and business cash position had become strained as their funds were being used to fund the business’ increasing working capital and fund the losses.

detailed growth

The Solution

Aurelius Advisory met with the owners to gain an in-depth understanding of their business, their current financial position and develop a strategy of how to profitably grow the business. A detailed growth plan was developed to provide clarity on a path to profitability. The growth plan was implemented with ongoing advisory support over a 12-month period.


During FY22, the owners invested heavily in ‘catching up’ on their processes, systems, marketing, new vehicles and staff to provide them a sound foundation for future growth. The yield on that reinvestment was minimised due to four months of hard lockdowns in Greater Sydney, despite this, the business was able to increase turnover by 151% and commence trading profitability to finish the year with a profit and a much-improved cashflow position to support future growth.

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